The Weinberg Foundation is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of people experiencing poverty.
Grantmaking by the Numbers
Dollars Granted by Focus Area since 2018
Community Services
Signature Initiatives
Dollars Granted by Year since 2018
Amounts are shown in millions (USD)
Dollars Granted by Grant Type since 2018
Grants Map
In addition to exploring our grants, the Foundation invites you to view grants as map locations throughout the United States and in Israel. Specifically, the map highlights grants of $50,000 or more awarded since 2018. The map includes grants serving specific locations (either cities or counties), as well as regional grants (throughout a state, region, or country).
Grants initially appear as “clusters” denoting relative geographic proximity. By using the “+” and “-“ controls, you are able to zoom in to see more granular information and then zoom out to “go back” to a wider view.
The Foundation’s priority communities include Baltimore, Hawaiʻi, Israel, New York City, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and San Francisco. You can see how specific grants align with priority communities within the separate grants database.
Grant FAQ
Have questions? View our Grant FAQ